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We are always in need of volunteers to help:  

  • Walk the dogs we have kenneled in Pleasant Hill; Walnut Creek

  • At adoption fairs and special events

  • Transport dogs from shelters, to and from vet appointments, events and adoption fairs

  • Write funding proposals

  • Help with fundraisers

  • Contact customers who leave voice messages


If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer/membership form.  There is an annual fee of $20 for an individual and $30 for family.  This covers you with liability insurance. This can be paid online via PayPal or in person at an adoption fair.



We are desperate for foster homes. Due to a lack of enough foster homes, we do have to board dogs at two local kennels. This gets very costly. Dogs in a foster home do so much better. Not only does it help the dog in a normal home life learning the basics, but it also helps get the dog adopted quicker.  Another big plus it helps keep our kenneling costs down.


You can foster for as little or as long as you like.  We will find a good fit for your home and life style.  We can also provide dog food.


Check to see if this is something you can do.


Take the quiz!





Help get the dogs adopted by posting on your social media pages. The more the dogs are publicized, the better their chance of being adopted quickly.

Get Involved: List
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