If you can’t foster or volunteer, donate!
NorSled is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit. We truly need your support. Any contribution from you means the world to us and to the dogs we save. We run on a very limited budget. The funds go directly to help with medical care, training and boarding when we run out of foster homes.
Donations are tax deductible so please consider donating through one of the methods listed below.
Vehicle Donations
Don’t need that extra car taking space in your driveway anymore? Please consider donating your car to NorSled. It will help NorSled pay for medical costs that so many of our dogs desperately need. Your car donation will make a big difference to the number of dogs we can help medically, providing care and support our dogs deserve. What a great way to get a tax write off and help that special canine in need. Northern California Sled Dog Rescue (NorSled) - Car Donation Services, Inc.
Planned Giving Donations
Please consider NorSled in your financial and estate planning. This responsibility is not taken lightly. It is at the core of our mission to ensure that every dollar we receive is spent carefully, wisely and effectively for those in our care.
Please consider:
Bequests in your will: Bequests to us should be made to “Northern California Sled Dog Rescue, a charitable organization”.
Retirement Plans: IRA, 401 (K) and other retirement savings plan balances can be donated or bequeathed to non-profit organizations.
Life Insurance Policies and Trusts: Please consider NorSled as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary.
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Gift Annuities: A CRT or CGA allows you to receive lifetime income from an investment while receiving a tax deduction for its value when donated to a non-profit organization.
Real Estate and Personal Property: NorSled will gratefully accept all real estate and personal property, including stock, bonds and other financial assets, cars, boats, art and other property.
NorSled would love to be able to have their own site to have a kennel to house the dogs we rescue. Instead of relying on a boarding facility we have no control over. Please consider donating either property and or land so we can fulfil this dream. Thank you!